PayiQ develops cloud-based intelligent mobile ticketing platform for Smart Cities and Transportation Operators utilizing Microsoft Azure technology. The company focuses on mobile tickets and on security and safety when using and validating them. PayiQ is the leading Ticketing as a Service platform provider in Mobility as a Service Sector (MaaS). The company is participating in national and international research and development programs.
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is one of the emerging concepts globally. It is recognized as a key enabler for sustainable urban development. Accelerating urbanization, the urging need for pollution prevention and the emphasis on green values require new ways of thinking for public transport, as well as a for diverse, user-friendly transportation in general. Integrated services for mobility are future mainstream for smart urban planning.
Finland is becoming a pioneer in this field. The first open innovation platforms for mobility services are developed in Finland. They are joint national programs initiated by Business Finland - the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation - and the Ministry of Transport and Communications. As one of the first companies, PayiQ has developed a mobile payment solution designed especially for these new MaaS business models.